Removing flaws from the law

In the interests of stimulating public policy with ridiculous ideas, we launched The Great Backbytes Conversation About Stuff Designed To Make You Think Someone's Listening To You in the last issue. We're delighted with the response to the question of which laws you would like to repeal.

"The Law of Averages, the source of so many pseudo-statistical utterances, should be one of the first to go; but surely the big one is Sod's Law, the repeal of which would instantly cause everything to work correctly," says Howard Ritherdon.

We're worried about the impact on small talk of repealing Sod's Law, which is one of the UK's few remaining exports, but we're philosophically in favour. Repealing the Law of
Averages, no problem. As journalists, we never understood it anyway. So far the most popular suggestion from readers: "As one who dislikes cabbage and mayo, I would vote for the repeal of Coles Law," as Ian Oak puts it. More suggestions, or a further view on Sod's Law please. Remember: your opinion matters - just not to your boss.