Champions of freedom
It’s about being told what you can do with your own property (Anonymous: Lords of the Internet or Lord of the Flies?). It’s about government and corporations getting too involved with our lives.
I bought a PS3, so I should be able to do WHATEVER I want with it. I paid for it; I own it – simple as that.
George Hotz was made to look like a villain for releasing code that allowed users access to the PlayStation’s core systems and processes, to be able to alter it to suit their wants and needs.
It’s no different if you bought a car and then modified it with bigger wheels and a suspension kit because you wanted to go four-wheeling with it. For those that argue that what Hotz did allowed people to more easily pirate games and other media onto their PS3, I ask this: should
we then also take away CD-rewritable drives, as they allow us to make “illegal” backups of our software?
If we ban or criminalise every enabling technology, then we have zero innovation, no technological progress, and a totalitarian society where the government tells us what we can use, how we can use it, and we have no say in the matter whatsoever.