Ford says self-driving Cars on the horizon
The car maker expects autonomous cars by 2017
Ford predicts that we'll see completely autonomous vehicles by 2017.
According to an article at Extreme Tech, Ford expects self-cruising cars within five years. The automaker believes we're not that far off from seeing cars driving themselves without the need of human drivers.
Using pre-existing technology like Active Park Assist, Ford envisions a future without terrible drivers. The Focus creator says that robot chauffeurs will reduce the time it takes to commute and prevent accidents.
Ford expects that self-driving cars will reduce travel times by 37.5 per cent and cut traffic jams by 20 per cent. All figures that point to the obvious conclusion that it's a terrible idea to drive a car.
Robots are just better at driving than humans. They beat us in chess, on Jeopardy, and now in driving. It's clear that soon humans will just have to pack it in and let robots create other robots that will eventually become better than even them. It's the cycle of robot life.
Humans used to have the upper hand on robots when it came to driving, but now we don't even have that ace in the hole. So while Ford predicts automated cars by 2017, we predict the robot apocalypse by 2020.
On a side note, whatever happened to flying cars? Why isn't anyone investing in that technological breakthrough? With all this talk of robo-cars you'd think it wouldn't be that hard to build a hover car.
Not that we're bitter or anything...