Tech Women Celebration 50 - Nominations are open!

Nominate yourself or a colleague today

Penny Horwood
clock • 2 min read
Will you nominate yourself or a colleague?

Will you nominate yourself or a colleague?

The Tech Women Celebration 50 is Computing’s curated list of some of the most inspirational women working in tech at all levels – and we’re opening submissions today.

At Computing, we are privileged to be able to share the stories of women who have built successful tech careers, many of whom have faced extra challenges from a variety of different directions.

Each of these stories are powerful reminders of what careers in technology can be, and all of them are thoroughly inspirational. You can find lots them here

Whilst women are still in a minority in tech, the picture is far from bleak. Women are making inroads into tech leadership, and opening pathways so that others may follow. Companies of all kinds are realising the power of diversity to foster a happier, healthier and ultimately more loyal employee community. 

This year, 47 of our IT Leaders 100 were women. The list contains some true trailblazers and we're delighted to showcase their achievements. But in addition to leaders, the Tech Women Celebration 50 wants also to celebrate women who haven't yet progressed into leadership or who might have chosen a different path. 

Role models are needed at all levels, from rising stars to the high-fliers. As one of last years' Celebration 50 so wisely puts it, in addition to the stars, we need the streetlamps to show others the way. 

Technology can never have enough role models to inspire the next generation, and also show them the power of aspiration. The Celebration 50 also offers the opportunity for you to take your personal brand, and work that you have done to enhance the diversity of your business to a wider audience of IT leaders and decision makers. 

This is your chance to nominate yourself or someone you work with to earn a place on the list. Simply open the submission form here or use the form at the end of the page.

We'll look at all sorts of factors when deciding who to place on the list such as the size of your employer, career highs and the barriers you've had to overcome.

We also ask some lighter questions to try and get a sense of the person behind the entry: from "what attracted you to tech?" to "what would someone outside of your organisation find most surprising about you?'  

Each entrant should only submit themselves once. Multiple entries will not increase your chance of being on the final list.

Submissions are open until 6th September and winners will be notified by mid Septmber. The Tech Women Celebration 50 will be published later in the Autumn.

Use the form below to enter or go directly to this link.


The Women and Diversity in Tech Festival takes place in London on 5th November. The day will be a celebration of diversity in tech and will bring together a fantastic lineup of speakers and panelists to connect, share and inspire. Click here to secure early bird tickets. 

Penny Horwood
Author spotlight

Penny Horwood

Associate Editor focusing on diversity in tech and sustainability content.

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