Security Excellence Awards 2025: Top tips for a winning entry
Submit your entry before Friday 31st January
The Computing Security Excellence Awards celebrate the companies, individuals, products, and projects that form the UK cybersecurity landscape. Here are some tips to make your entry stand out.
The Computing Security Excellence Awards are a valuable opportunity for companies, teams and individuals to gain peer and industry recognition, boost and broadcast reputation and highlight your commitment to safeguarding digital assets.
With 20 diverse categories, the awards are a perfect platform to showcase personal and team excellence, security projects, products and services. You can see last year's winners here.
The competition for the Security Excellence Awards can be intense, so here are some tips for companies, teams and individuals who want to maximize their chances of success. You can read the full list here.
- Brevity is your friend. Don’t exceed word count but provide the information you’re asked for, with facts and data to back up your claims. Try to keep the narrative focused and avoid unnecessary detail. You’re aiming for clear, concise and compelling.
- Consider attaching case studies – these bring your submission to life for judges who are looking for evidence of innovation and impact.
- Avoid tech and jargon heavy marketing copy and instead reach for well-designed PDFs with images and quotes alongside text. Alternatively, consider a video alongside your core entry – just make sure it adheres to the brief.
- Do include testimonials from customers, partners, or fellow employees. Judges attach considerable weight to testimonials so make sure they're of the same high quality as the rest of your submission.
- Be a storyteller. The judges look for people and projects that went beyond simply doing a job well. If you think it's worth explaining how the team slept under their desks to ensure a project was a success on time, include it if it directly contributed to the success of the project.
- Finally, remember these awards only cover UK-based people, organisations and projects. If in doubt, please do get in touch with a member of the team.
Don’t delay your nomination. Entries close on Friday 31st January so don’t forget to submit your entry free of charge!