Brussels, Belgium

Famous for beer, sprouts and a certain rude statue, Brussels is a thriving metropolis with lots of expatriates, particularly Irish and Americans. Its population is just under one million, and non-Belgians make up 29%. Due to the large transient population on contract work, you?ll find a lot of people speak English, but they will be foreigners rather than locals.

Attractions Paris is two hours away, Amsterdam is three. Eating out is inexpensive as Belgians see it more as a habit than a treat. A good meal costs about #10. Belgian food tends to be filling and rich, with heavy sauces.

Drawbacks Because Brussels is so busy it can be very difficult to find an apartment. You have to be prepared to spend a few weeks in a hotel and accommodation is expensive. The tram system is quite good, though not as efficient as Amsterdam. Traffic is a nightmare, both because of the volume and Belgians? indiscriminate attitudes to other road users.

Job prospects The Brussels job market is quite buoyant. The indigenous population fills most low-end IT positions, so foreign contractors are employed mainly in specialist and highly technical positions. Those with Cisco, ISDN, ATM, and Internet skills are most in demand. Rates tend to be above #45 an hour. Companies with offices in Brussels include Alcatel, DEC, Proximus, Smith Kline & Beecham, IBM and AT&T.

Climate Fairly mild, with summer temperatures generally in the 70s, and sometimes 80s. Not much snow, but it can rain all year round.

Brussels information
Huge list of IT jobs in Belgium