The V3 Hot Seat: vice president of technology Stuart Silberg

Tech chief at room-booking giant on the boom in mobile and his respect for Atari founder Nolan Bushnell

Stuart Silberg is vice president of technology at accommodation booking site, which offers customers a choice of more than 160,000 hotels, B&Bs and apartments around the world.

Customers can book these online or through multi-lingual call centres.

Stuart heads up a large tech team that is responsible for developing the applications and website.

Since he started with the company two years ago, Stuart has worked to improve its development methods and turn around the company's way of thinking to improve working processes, development timelines and productivity.

Silberg is the latest IT chief to take part in the Hot Seat, following on from the likes of Google UK head of enterprise Thomas Davies as part of V3's weekly insight into what makes those in the IT industry tick.

If you want to volunteer for V3's Hot Seat, or want to suggest an IT leader you think should take part, please email [email protected] for more details.

V3: What would be your dream job (apart from your current role, of course)?

Stuart Silberg: I'd probably want to be a pilot. I've always enjoyed flying and I've always liked planes, so it seems like a natural fit for me.

Which key web sites do you have bookmarked at work?

TechCrunch and V3 are at the top of my list for a great combination of tech news and industry insights.

Which mobile phone and/or tablet devices do you currently use?

My iPhone 5 is a key part of my life - I'd be lost without it.

Which person do you most admire in the IT industry?

It would have to be Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari. He helped to make technology accessible to the public at a time when only big corporations could afford it.

The way we use technology now is due to people like Nolan - he's a hugely inspirational figure in the industry and I admire him greatly for his ability to push boundaries.

Which technology has had the biggest impact on your working life?

Email has obviously been a real game-changer. In recent years, mobile technology has started to eat away at this though, bringing enormous possibilities with it. I find it exciting to see this evolution in such a short period of time.

What's been the highlight of your career so far?

My work at We've built a new technology team almost from scratch, having implemented very pure agile [sofware] development methods and growing the team significantly as a result.

We're in a position where we're developing cutting edge technology, particularly with our mobile apps, which are now ahead of the curve instead of lagging behind. It's a dream tech job for me.

What was your first job in the industry?

I started off as a systems analyst for a national retail bank. My day job involved writing functional specs to centralise the banking system. Times have changed a lot since then - it wasn't the most fun of jobs, but it gave me a good grounding in the industry.

The V3 Hot Seat: vice president of technology Stuart Silberg

Tech chief at room-booking giant on the boom in mobile and his respect for Atari founder Nolan Bushnell

What's your favourite thing about working in the IT industry?

IT is constantly improving and evolving. It doesn't allow you to be complacent - as soon as you feel like you're on top, you're already behind. It's a challenging industry to be in and you always have to keep up, learn and adapt, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

What will be the next big innovation of the coming years?

It will be figuring out how to integrate all the different devices and platforms - from phones to TVs - so applications can run seamlessly across them, so you can start something on one device and finish it on another.

And then there's always space travel.

Which technologies do you most rely on outside the office?

My car, for obvious reasons. Only a few days ago it wouldn't start up and gave me an error message - I went to the garage, they told me it needed a software update. Technology is at the heart of our daily lives and everything we do.

What was the last book you read and was it any good?

Sex on the Moon by Ben Mezrich - it's a story about an intern at Nasa who stole all the moon rocks, once they'd been deemed worthless by Nasa scientists. It's supposed to be a true story and, although I'd never heard of it before, it made for a good and easy read.

Who is your favourite band or musician?

If there was one artist I'd take to a desert island with me, it would be soul empress Aretha Franklin. She has an amazing voice and an array of songs from all genres that I really enjoy.

Where's your favourite holiday destination?

Any of the Hawaiian islands - they are beautiful and make for great holiday destinations. You can feel the calm as soon as you step off the plane and who can say no to having breakfast outside in the sunshine?

E-readers or real books?

Real books, every time. Every book is different in its own way, whether it's shape, weight or feel. Although e-readers are great, you simply can't replace the sensation of holding a real book in your hands.

Twitter, Facebook or Google?

Google without a doubt - there's never been a greater source of information

The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?

Neither. I'm too young for both.

What is your favourite film?

The original Star Wars film.

Windows or Mac OS?

I admire the design of Mac OS, but I have to say Windows. It's what I'm used to and it does the trick for me.