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'You don't need to be a minority to be marginalised': Kellanova CIO Lesley Salmon

Meet this year's Women in Tech Festival keynote speaker


Women make up 50% of the population, but are chronically underrepresented in the tech space.

It's no shock to anyone that, while tech is resilient and innovative, it's not particularly diverse - especially as you go further up the corporate ladder.

That's why Lesley Salmon, global CIO at Kellanova (formerly Kellogg's), is such an interesting figure. Both a woman and from a working class background, she's passionate about the intersectionality of diversity.

So passionate about it, in fact, that intersectional exclusion - and how IT leaders can recognise and address it - will be the focus of Lesley's keynote speech at this year's Women in Tech Festival on the 31st October.

"As leaders, we've got to consider everything that can marginalise people. You don't need to be a minority to be marginalised. Women are 50% of the population, but from a tech perspective, we are a minority.

Every kind of diversity - whether it's race, class, sexual orientation, physical ability - we know that having that different perspective around the table really leads to richer conversation, it leads to better decisions, and it ultimately helps our businesses to grow."

Lesley will talk about addressing the technical talent opportunity intersectional diversity represents - something she says should be "an integral part of talent strategy" for any company serious about growth.

Watch the video above to get a sneak peek of what to expect in Lesley's keynote speech - and click here to register to attend the Women in Tech Festival 2023.

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