New version of Zoho Writer allows offline editing

Upgrade to Zoho word processor has new document creation features

The newly-released upgrade to online word processor Zoho Writer allows users to work on documents offline and then synchronise the offline version with the online one. Users will not, however, be able to create a document offline and then put it online.

To use the offline functionality, users simply select a “Go offline” option from the Zoho Writer menu. When they are next online, they can synchronise the offline file with the online version. Zoho Writer also allows multiple users to work on an online document at the same time.

The offline functionality has been added using Google Gears, an open source browser extension, currently only available in beta, that enables web applications to use JavaScript APIs to allow offline working.

Zoho Writer also allows multiple users to work on an online document at the same time.
Zoho has said that it plans to make offline editing functionality available for the other applications in Zoho Office Suite