Cisco switches to IP with QoS

MPLS implementation for IGX 8450.

Cisco has introduced a Wan switch that brings ATM quality-of-service capabilities together with IP networking functionality on a single platform.

The IGX 8450 switch uses Tag Switching, Cisco's implementation of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), to provide QoS for IP traffic across an ATM backbone.

"The IGX 8450 has one leg in ATM and one leg in IP. It combines two different types of traffic in one product," said Joerg Banarius, Cisco product marketing manager.

"What is new is the MPLS implementation."

To deliver end-to-end IP and ATM QoS, the IGX 8450 supports the extension of ABR traffic management to Cisco 7000 series routers.

Like other switches in the IGX 8400 line, the 8450 supports a variety of traditional Wan interfaces, including Frame Relay, circuit emulation, SNA, compressed voice, voice switching, and video.

The IGX 8450 capitalises on Cisco's end-to-end integrated network management tools, which include Cisco Wan Manager, Cisco Info Center and CiscoView.

The IP+ATM feature set is also available as an expansion shelf that can be added to any IGX 8400 series switch, allowing users to add new IP+ATM features as needed.

Cisco is planning to take its policy-based networking capabilities closer to the desktop with a line of intelligent switches. The products are due in around six months.


Cisco IGX 8400 series switches are multiservice Wan switches designed to enable cost savings and performance benefits by integrating data, voice and video on a single Wan backbone. The IGX 8400 series has ATM traffic management to deliver optimal bandwidth efficiency and guaranteed end-to-end QoS. These traffic management features include multiple classes of services, 128,000 cells of buffering per module, and closed-loop congestion management (ABR with VS/VD). The switches also combine compressed voice (8Kbps CS-ACELP) and legacy data support in addition to advanced IP+ATM features.