Corporate marketeers guilty of 'Web wallpaper'

Half the FTSE 100 Websites are merely 'corporate wallpaper' and make no attempt to capitalise on the potential of the Internet or respond directly with clients through it, claims marcoms consultancy Rainier Limited.

A study into the use of the Web among FTSE 100 companies by Rainier found that 26 of the 100 companies failed to respond to a request for basic information after a wait of more than 100 days. Rainier says that a further 16 companies, including Orange, Vodafone and ICI, either could not be contacted via email, or email contact details were not easily located on their site.

"Having a Website without a direct feedback mechanism is like having a freephone helpline but no receptionist," declared Rainier director, Steven Waddington. "Some of those that have invested [in the Web] are leaving themselves dangerously exposed to frustrating their customers, partners and investors.

"Under three hours is an acceptable timeframe in which to respond to a Web inquiry," he continued. "Yet less than 25 per cent of FTSE 100 companies met this criterion."

The answer? "Companies should have the back-office infrastructure in place to cope with integrating their Web presence with the traditional investor and customer communication systems, telesales and helplines."