Intel names chip off the old block
Pentium III processor will deliver better 3D graphics.
[QQ]Intel formally named its latest processor Pentium III last week, saying it would begin shipping at the end of this quarter, writes Mike Magee.[QQ] The Pentium III, previously codenamed Katmai, will feature 70 new instructions that provide enhanced 3D graphics, audio and video capabilities. The processor will debut at the end of March in 450MHz and 500MHz versions.[QQ] The server version of the processor will be called, unsurprisingly, Pentium III Xeon. Full details of the chip will not be revealed until later this year.[QQ] Intel last week introduced three 450MHz additions to its Pentium II Xeon chip family, and boosted its entry-level Celeron offerings.[QQ] The new Xeon processors come with 512Kbs, 1Mb and 2Mbs of level-two cache, and are aimed at the server and workstation markets. The processors support four-way symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) machines.[QQ] Intel said PC manufacturers including Compaq, Dell, NCR, Fujitsu, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Sequent and Unisys will announce four-way servers based on the new chip later this month.[QQ] The chip giant also announced new Celeron desktop processors, running at 366MHz and 400MHz. Both will have 128k level-two cache.[QQ] The road ahead for the semiconductor industry, see page 18.