'The NHS programme is like a Hummer, it will drive through anything'
What the experts say about the departure of NHS IT chief Richard Granger
Uncompromising or a man of integrity?
Granger has not been ashamed to get on with things and at no point has he tried to cover his arse, which is refreshing in the public sector. But we have to step back and do things the NHS way rather than dictating from the centre. That was a mistake from the beginning - A senior supplier
The NHS IT community had never had any professional leadership before. Many commentators think Richard Granger is ruthless and uncompromising. And no doubt sometimes he is. But he is also a man of huge personal integrity and he has earned loyalty and respect - Andrew Haw, IT director, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust
The National Programme is like a Hummer: it is not subtle, it will drive through anything and will survive a few bomb blasts. But if you want to do anything with finesse, it is not the right vehicle. Now we need to change to something a bit more attractive, that people actually want to drive - A senior NHS source
Granger did what he needed to do to please his political masters. He decided that his reputation and his relationship with the industry could be sacrificed to deliver what the political climate demanded - A senior industry source
Richard Granger’s focus and drive transformed the multitude of healthcare principalities, dukedoms and feudal states into a single NHS information state. ‘Ruthless standardisation’ has allowed freedom of communication for the benefit of patients, whose care was previously fragmented between these isolated entities - Professor Sir Muir Gray, Oxford University
Granger was always a dealmaker, not an implementer - A senior NHS source
When [his vision] is fulfilled, millions of patients should be reaping benefits for years to come - Barbara Greggains, formerly of the Council of the Royal College of Radiologists
And from the Granger archive of quotes...
"Managing the NHS IT suppliers is like running a team of huskies. When one of the dogs goes lame , it is shot. It is then chopped up and fed to the other dogs. The survivors work harder, not only because they have had a meal, but also because they have seen what will happen should they themselves go lame."
"[I will] hold suppliers’ feet to the fire until the smell of burning flesh is overpowering."