AMD launches K6 against Pentium II
AMD will release three flavours of its Pentium II killer the K6 today.
The processors will run at 166MHz, 200MHz and 233MHz clock speeds. UK pricing details were unavailable as Computing went to press.
The new chips aim to loosen Intel's grip on hardware vendors including Compaq and Mitsubishi. Even IBM is considering the processor for its machines, according to internal sources.
But sources also say Intel has a master plan that, combined with its legal action against both Cyrix and AMD over the use of the MMX title, will put it in pole position again.
In May, it will release a 300MHz Klamath Pentium II, undermining the competition by using clock speeds to appeal to consumers and end users.
AMD said last week that a UK judge has overturned the threatened injunction, brought by Intel over its MMX chip name. Richard Baker, European director of marketing at AMD, said there was confusion over trademarks internationally, although there were many reciprocal agreements over patents between different countries.
An Intel representative, said: '(MMX) has been accepted in the UK and published in the register (of trademarks).'