Royal Mail appoints new CIO

Yvonne Ferguson to take over from Robin Dargue

Royal Mail's new CIO Yvonne Ferguson will take the reins at the end of June

Royal Mail will appoint Yvonne Ferguson as its new chief information officer (CIO) to replace the departing Robin Dargue.

Ferguson, who was formerly IT chief at Transport for London (TfL), has been working alongside Dargue during Royal Mail’s £1.2bn IT transformation project.

Computing understands that she will be working in the capacity of co-CIO until the end of June, when Dargue leaves the company to move to Alcatel-Lucent. Ferguson will then take the reins, assuming the sole responsibility of CIO.

The IT transformation project caused a stir among Royal Mail’s employees who claimed the plans, which included reducing the then 300-strong permanent IT workforce by half, had sapped morale.

Royal Mail confirmed to Computing in April that Dargue would soon be leaving. However, it did not disclose the details behind his exit, and insisted that the company and employee were parting on good terms.