Hoskyns adopts Cap Gemini name

One of the best-known names in the UK computing services market - Hoskyns - disappeared on Monday, as part of a move by the Cap Gemini Group to globalise its business.

In an attempt to increase revenues from $4.2bn (# 2.8bn) to nearer the $12bn-plus of market leaders EDS, the French company is rebranding all its international operations under one name, Cap Gemini. The company is currently the biggest computer services group in Europe and the third largest in the world.

Tony Robinson, managing director of the renamed Cap Gemini UK, admitted to mixed feelings about the change. 'I joined Hoskyns in 1967 and it is very difficult for people like me who have a lot of equity invested in the name to get used to it.

'However, it's all about globalisation. The name changes will give us a more coherent appearance, and help when we are selling to multinational companies,' he said.

Hoskyns is not the only well-known name to disappear. Sogeti in France, Volmac in the Netherlands and Progmatur in Scandinavia will also vanish.

According to Robinson, Cap Gemini will form four vertical businesses to focus on the worldwide telecoms, pharmaceuticals, travel and tourism, and insurance industries.