Capita finds harmony with Unison
Public and private sectors joined forces last week under a national agreement between service provider Capita and Unison, the UK's largest public sector union, writes Peter Walker.
The agreement for staff transfer under outsourcing contracts extends a London-wide agreement signed last November.
More than half of Capita's 4,500-strong workforce have transferred from public sector organisations in deals that range from local government revenue and IT services contracts to call centre, payroll and pensions administration in the private sector.
The new agreement allows Capita staff working across the UK to keep their trade union representation to negotiate matters such as health and safety, training and grievance issues.
Unison's local government head, Keith Sonnet, said: 'This offers a unique opportunity to develop the definitive model for delivering the highest quality services through active working partnership between public and private sectors.'
He added that the agreement is part of the union's strategy of recruiting and organising members in privatised services and would help ensure such staff get union representation.
Richard Benton, Capita group director, said: 'It's important our staff know we value their skills and that we are committed to developing and investing in their careers.
'Partnerships between councils, unions and the private sector will ensure consumers, taxpayers and public service employees are all beneficiaries of best value.'