Transport Scotland tenders for ICT solution

Transport body offering contract for IT system to help maintain Scottish road and bridge network

Transport Scotland has released a tender for an ICT system

Transport Scotland has released a pre-tender advertisement on the Official Journal of the European Union for the development, delivery and support of an ICT solution for the Scottish Integrated Roads Information System (SIRIS). The contract will be worth between £600,000 and £700,000.

The contract will manage, in a map-based environment, the vast amount of road and bridge asset information collected on an annual basis and provide a mechanism for storing records of maintenance and monitoring their effect on the condition of the network.

It will also see the collation and delivery of annual road condition surveys for the trunk road network in Scotland. This will not require a new system to be built, but will necessitate a consolidation of existing systems. This will be used to develop a planning, recording and implementation programme for inspection of the trunk road network.

SIRIS will replace the Scottish Executive Roads Information System (SERIS) which has been in operation since 1996 – it was initially within the SG Trunk Roads Network Management Division, and is now within Transport Scotland.

Support, maintenance and development of SERIS is currently provided through a partnership agreement with WDM Ltd. The agreement has been in place since 2005 but the organisation said it "wants to test the market, which has matured significantly in recent years".

If it goes ahead, the deal will run from 2011.