Former minister says cutbacks threaten cyber crime fight
Alun Michael says coalition is closing much-needed centres of expertise
Former deputy home secretary Alun Michael MP has warned that the government risks losing the fight against cyber crime and cyber terrorism by not focusing on local issues and ending funding for regional initiatives.
Speaking at the 'Working Together to Improve UK Cyber Security' conference in London yesterday, he said: "It's not just about the broad, national, exciting developments. It's also about joining and co-operating locally."
Michael gave the example of the Yorkshire Business Crime Reduction Centre (YBCRC), a police initiative that helps SMEs in the region tackle problems caused by crime, with a focus on cyber crime specifically.
The YBCRC's future is uncertain however, as it is funded by the local Regional Development Agency, which like all RDAs is currently facing closure.
"The centre links businesses in the area and provides great service. With the RDAs being done away with, will this activity be sustained?"
Michael also cited the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), which the government has decided to close four years after its creation, to be replaced by the National Crime Agency (NCA).
"People in SOCA were the quickest to understand the connection between the low level crime and the serious issues that get the most coverage. It's a mistake to think you can just concentrate on the high-profile issues," he said.