Top 10 articles: Acer Iconia Tab launch, and tech announcements that should have been April Fools

News of Acer's much-anticipated Iconia Tab A100 tablet device was the most popular story of the week with readers keen to find out when the £300 device is to ship.

Reviews of the Nokia E7, HTC Desire S and Firefox 4 also piqued the interest of our readers, while others were quick to read all about the top 10 technology announcements which should have been April Fools.

Security-related stories are a perennial favourite with readers and this week proved no different, with our coverage of the Epsilon hack and the revelation that Marks & Spencer customers were affected both proving popular.

Google's plans to improve the security of the SSL certificate process was also a hit, as was news that RIM's BlackBerry Bold Touch will ship with NFC technology.

Acer Iconia Tab A100 launching end of April
Motorola Xoom, Acer W500 and Asus Eee Pad Transformer all on the horizon

Top 10 technology announcements that should have been April Fools
When reality is stranger than fiction

Nokia E7 review
Nokia's impressive business phone is almost good enough to replace a laptop

HTC Desire S review
Android 2.3 device is a solid upgrade, but a tad pricey

Google unveils SSL security plans post Comodo attack
Company outline initiatives to protect online certificates

BlackBerry Bold Touch set to ship with NFC technology
Premium 3.7in device to be released this summer

Microsoft wises up as enterprise Linux goes mainstream
Microsoft's collaboration with Novell has helped Windows/open source hybrids gain traction

Epsilon security breach could be problem for years to come
Millions of emails plundered in hacking attack

Firefox 4 review
The latest version of the Mozilla browser adds some welcome improvements, but most changes are cosmetic

Marks & Spencer hit by Epsilon hackers
Retailer tells customers they may receive more spam than usual as a result