ISPs object to Nominet's domain removal plans

ISPA, LINX and ORG argue a court order should be essential

Digital-rights campaigner the Open Rights Group has issued a statement, with support from the UK Internet Service Providers Association (ISPA) and the London Internet Exchange (LINX), opposing Nominet's proposal to allow the suspension of websites at the request of law enforcement agencies.

It was revealed earlier this week that the Metropolitan Police's E-crime Unit has closed approximately 2,000 websites accused of selling bogus goods simply by placing a request with Nominet, the company that manages domain names in the UK.

This move was criticised by some in the industry, particularly as Nominet recently closed a consultation on proposals for dealing with domain names used for criminal activity.

ORG, ISPA and LINX claim that closing websites without a court order does not provide suitable protection for genuine UK businesses online.

"ISPA, LINKX and ORG have each separately decided that domain suspensions need to take place after a receipt of a court order, and they informed Nominet of this today," said Jim Killock, executive director, ORG.

"Currently, no one can know in advance when their fundamental convention rights of freedom of expression, assembly, property and private communications may be interfered with by Nominet".

ORG, LINX and ISPA have requested that Nominet provides information on how it will act on future law enforcement requests and whether court orders will be required.

The group also want Nominet to publish full details of all suspensions to date, as well as requests for suspensions, the domains that were affected and the alleged offences associated with the requests.