Nokia allies with Apple in Samsung patent spat

Finnish firm throws weight behind former enemy

Nokia has thrown its weight behind Apple in the US firm's legal tussle with Samsung, in a move that will only heighten tensions in the smartphone world.

In a legal document known as an amicus curiae, the Finnish firm said that having itself been involved in patent battles it wants to make sure that justice is done, and in this case it believes Apple is in the right.

"Nokia's interest in this case is to advocate for patent laws that protect patent rights as a means for [...] developing technology for public benefit; and (ii) foster and encourage innovation," it said in the document it filed.

"Nokia therefore supports the Appellant's request for reversal of the District Court's denial of a permanent injunction based on application of the wrong legal standard."

The firm said it was getting involved as it believes the outcome will affect its position in the market, as it holds a number of key patents.

"Nokia has recently been involved in numerous US patent lawsuits, as both a plaintiff and defendant," it added.

"Nokia is thus both a significant patent owner that might seek an injunction to protect its patent rights, and a manufacturer in an industry in which patent owners routinely issue threats of injunctions for patent infringement."

The decision is interesting as in the past Apple and Nokia have come to blows in the courts themselves over smartphone patents, with Apple forced to pay out some €420m to its rival.

The move is also another blow for Samsung after it lost a ruling in the High Court on Thursday in its case against Apple after a judge ruled that the patents could not be upheld in Samsung's favour.