Top 10 most read: BlackBerry Q5 vs Q10, Microsoft issues Outlook iOS app, Huawei security concerns
Top stories from the last seven days
BlackBerry is struggling to gain much traction against its rivals but interest in its device continues be strong, especially among business readers, with our head-to-head review of the Q10 and mid-range Q5 proving highly popular last week.
Meanwhile, another firm struggling in the mobile space, Microsoft, was forced to provide a dedicated iOS app for its Outlook client for Apple devices such as the iPad and iPhone in order to allow users of these products to access their emails on a specific app.
Microsoft is hoping its Windows Phone 8 software will pick up and rival Android and Apple soon, and devices such as the 41MP Nokia Lumia 1020 will be just what it needs to tempt people away from market favourites, the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S4.
So it's no surprise that our three-way competition between the devices was among the most popular stories of the week.
In other news poor security practices at a recruitment firm led to over 7,500 CVs being accessible to all and sundry online, in just one of the many security stories that made the headlines.
BlackBerry Q10 vs BlackBerry Q5 head-to-head review
We put two BB10 devices up against one another
Microsoft delivers Outlook app for Apple iPhone and iPad
Another Apple app from Redmond
Lumia 1020 vs Galaxy S4 vs iPhone 5 spec by spec
How Nokia's 41MP beast stacks up against rivals
Huawei slammed for locking GCHQ personnel out of security cell
Government orders review of practices at centre
Hackers knock Network Solutions websites offline with DDoS attack
Numerous website affected
Microsoft slashes price of Surface RT tablet to £279 in UKDevice selling so well we're cutting the price, Microsoft claims
State-sponsored hackers using watering hole attacks to ensnare businesses
More threats uncovered to cause firms concern
Recruitment firm chided after 7,500 CVs left unsecured on its website
Poor practices lead to CV breach
Nokia Lumia 1020 interactive guide
See the key new features of the 41MP handset handset
Hackers target NASDAQ Community for passwords and account data
Another major hack in the financial sector