Top 10 most read: Raspberry Pi 2, Adobe Flash woes, Samsung Knox
Most popular stories from the past seven days
Last week began with the unveiling of the Raspberry Pi 2, the newest version of the mini-marvel that has taken the tech world by storm. So it's no wonder that our coverage of the device dominated the top 10 most read stories.
V3 was quick to review the device, and was highly impressed with the improvements that have been made. There are additional ports and more power but the same low price and form factor, making it an ideal upgrade or first-time purchase.
Our top 10 run-down of some of the improvements and changes also featured, no doubt as those considering a purchase looked for more information on the computer.
Sadly it wasn't all exciting product news last week, as more security woes hit the headlines. Most of these related to Adobe, whose Flash Player generated much consternation after more zero-day flaws were uncovered.
This led many in the security community to question whether security signatures have their place any more, or whether a new form of protection is required.
One company doing what it can to improve security is Samsung. The firm has partnered with mobile device management specialists Good to incorporate its technology into the Knox platform.
This could make Samsung's Android devices more palatable to IT managers trying to keep tabs on smartphone security.
Raspberry Pi 2 review
We take a look at the newest version of the mini-marvel
Samsung secures Android apps with Good for Knox upgrade
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Adobe Flash zero-days prove signatures are dead
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Raspberry Pi 2 is six times more powerful and can run Windows 10
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Adobe rushes to patch third zero-day Flash Player flaw
More problems for bug-ridden tool
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