Turkcell cuts call problem resolution times in half with Teradata Data Warehouse Appliance

Will also help Turkey grow to 4.5G data in the near future

Turkcell, Turkey's leading mobile phone operator, has cut call problem resolution times in half over the past year after building an analytics system on top of Teradata's Data Warehouse Appliance.

Speaking on the first day of Teradata's Partners 2015 conference, Turkcell analytics principal consultant and solution architect, Ismail Yildiz, explained how the company produces its analytics based on "mobile signalling" - i.e. reading the activity and quality of customers' signals and relative performance.

Signals are caught and analysed by Turkcell's "Probing Solution" - an in-house analytics system which can produce XDR (external data representation) files within seconds following a request.

"Then our network analytics platform accepts external files and transforms them from raw data into network data," explained Yildiz.

"Probing Solution" runs off "two major systems" that run at Turkcell, with correction data by SmartNet, but also the "Massive" system - a data warehouse - based on Teradata's Data Warehouse Appliance.

"Daily there are 35 billion rows of XDR processed by the system, and 5TB of new data on the platform. In total, that's 200TB data," said Yildiz, before explaining that Turkcell does not "store raw cell data, [but] just processes and then deletes it".

Turkcell currently has 34.4 million subscribers which, in Q3 2012, amounted to 52.4 per cent of Turkey's mobile phone customer base.

Expert statistical quality assurance engineer Sena Aydeniz explained how the analytics system has directly contributed to Turkcell's ability to serve its customers:

"[Say] you're a customer and have 20 calls - and one is dropped. Maybe that's not a problem. But if that happens three or four times a day, you're likely to complain. This situation makes customers unhappy, but by fixing the problem we increase customer satisfaction," she explained.

By analysing such factors as duration of time phones are unable to reach other, call fail duration and call handover duration, Turkcell is able to zero in on areas of poor coverage, failed or inadequate phone software or even poor customer service from Turkcell's own staff.

A data set for each Turkcell customer can be generated individually, resulting in a "problem solution duration improvement" of 50 per cent in the past year, as well as a 20 per cent reduction in customer complaints.

This newfound control of the company's analytics data, Yildiz is convinced, will help Turkcell "empower the platform with 4.5G data", after the dust settles from the bidding process, which took place back in August 2015.

Check back to Computing this coming week as we bring you all the updates from Teradata Partners 2015!