Are you making full use of cloud opportunities? Join us on the 19th September to find out
The cloud is an established concept, but many corporations quickly fall behind the cutting edge
Cloud computing is not just changing how people listen to music, rent movies, and share photos; it's also transforming how businesses operate, and has helped many enterprises transform themselves over the last five years. However, some businesses treat that as the endpoint of their digital transformation.
There's a lot more to ‘cloud' than migrating data from legacy on-prem equipment. The flexibility, scalability and cost-friendly nature of cloud computing technology has started to attract consumers from a wide range of industries, and those that take advantage of modern cloud services grow demonstrably faster than those that don't.
But, although cloud is now well understood, challenges remain. The question is: how do you overcome them?
Join us for Cloud & Infrastructure Live on the 19th September at the Waldorf Hilton in London, where our expert speakers and panellists will discuss:
- The latest developments in cloud technologies
- How to implement a corporate cloud culture
- How to adopt the cloud and develop a migration strategy
- When to consider a hybrid cloud approach and what are the benefits?
- How to manage cloud security risks; where do the weaknesses lie?
- Journeying towards adoption of an enterprise data platform
- What is the future of cloud technologies?
Register for your free place now to learn how you could be using the cloud to gain an advantage in business.