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Lorraine Dodd

Lorraine Dodd

Part of the IT Leaders 100 - a list of the most influential IT leaders in the UK in 2024.

Over the past decade, Lorraine has cultivated a passion for empowering teams and driving positive change through technology. Her focus on prioritisation, planning and accountability ensures projects are delivered on time and within budget, with an unwavering commitment to implementing and enforcing robust security safeguards for both systems and data. She recognises the power of collaboration and actively works to build bridges across departments, breaking down silos and driving innovation throughout the organisation. Ultimately, Lorraine says her passion lies in crafting efficient and secure IT solutions that empower businesses. She believes collaboration is the key to success.

How did you get into IT?

My path to ISIT director wasn't exactly linear. In school, I enjoyed and did well at both IT GCSE and Computing A-level, but then life took a detour. Some six years later I found myself in Financial Solutions at Mobilize Financial Services, far from anything technical. Yet, fate intervened, landing me a product owner role for a new back-office system reigniting my tech spark.

I was fortunate to be allocated the ISIT director as a mentor. Under his expert guidance, I honed my skills in project work and seized the moment when an ISIT opportunity arose. That leap was pivotal. From tester to BA, PM, and beyond, I climbed the IS ladder, eventually leading the Organisation & Projects department and then the Security & Governance department.

I graciously accepted the ISIT Director role at Renault, excited to have the chance to steer their IT strategy and sculpt the future of their ISIT. My journey continues within the Renault Group, where I now leverage my experience with a fresh perspective.

What do you consider your greatest IT achievement of the last 12 months?

While "achievement" often evokes technical feats, in the past year, my greatest accomplishment extends far beyond the realm of IT. It's the triumph of returning to work after maternity leave with renewed perspective and seizing a new opportunity at Renault as ISIT Director. Yes, juggling two small children and work can be daunting, but I saw my "keeping in touch" days during maternity leave as valuable opportunities to support Mobilize Financial Services by pushing key data projects towards completion. It was a way to stay connected, contribute strategically, and demonstrate my commitment.

My new role at Renault presented an exciting new chapter. Hitting the ground running wasn't just about mastering systems; it was about understanding the company's needs, building relationships and earning trust. Two months in, I have a clear strategic vision for the year ahead, with initiatives already underway.

This journey proves that true achievement isn't always measured in lines of code or projects completed. It's about adaptability, resilience and seizing opportunities - qualities honed through experiences far broader than IT alone, making it my most significant achievement of the past 12 months.

How do you ensure diversity is taken into account in your IT recruitment?

At Renault, we prize diverse perspectives. They unlock broader horizons, fuel creativity and drive us. It is most important everyone feels welcomed and empowered. This is why we're committed to being an open and inclusive organization.

I'm passionate about igniting young women's interest in tech. I have personally started the partnership between Renault/Mobilize and Next Tech Girls, where we are working together to deliver panel discussions exposing girls to the world of IT and automotive technology, Insights days giving girls hands on experience in our dynamic environment and male ally engagement recognising the crucial role of advocates from all genders.

Building a diverse and inclusive IT team is a continuous journey, one I'm deeply committed to. I welcome talented individuals from all backgrounds to thrive in our vibrant automotive tech community.

Which technology are you currently most excited by, and why?

The rise of artificial intelligence feels like the dawn of a new era and as a tech enthusiast, it's impossible not to be excited by its potential. In our industry alone, its impact ranges from revolutionising transportation with self-driving cars to streamlining everyday office processes. The possibilities for positive change are endless. However, just like any powerful tool, AI needs to be managed and deployed thoughtfully and ethically. As someone who wears the "security hat," I'm acutely aware of the cybersecurity risks involved. Getting this right is crucial for the IT world, the reputation of Renault, and everyone involved. Spreading awareness and fostering understanding is key. That's why I recently presented an "AI Bytesize" learning session for all employees at Renault and Mobilize Financial Services.

By demystifying AI and addressing concerns like bias, I hope to empower everyone to see AI as a force for good, propelling both businesses and society forward.

What would an outsider find the most surprising part of your job?

An outsider might be surprised by the hidden depth and diversity of my role. While working on shiny new websites and cutting-edge solutions grabs attention, the true engine room of IT lies in the intricate balance between innovation and stability. They might not expect the time and effort dedicated to maintaining and safeguarding the foundations: the legacy systems, servers and networks that quietly hum along, keeping the business running smoothly. But my role transcends technology. It's about serving as the silent backbone, empowering the business by managing their IT tools and devices. It isn't just about technology, it is about supporting every facet of the business. We're an invisible hand, propelling forward every department, every project, every success story. And that, for me, is the most rewarding surprise of all.

What's your secret talent?

I possess a knack for MEMORY! Names, faces, dates and even tech trivia. It's proven invaluable in my ISIT role, allowing me to connect with colleagues personally, recall past conversations / decisions and quickly access relevant information to solve problems effectively.

What makes you laugh?

My husband is a champion dad joke teller. They're groan-worthy classics, but somehow, he always manages to deliver them with perfect comedic timing and now our four-year-old son has started trying to copy him! It's hilarious to see him trying to master the art of the terrible pun while he gets it completely wrong - it is pure gold.