Citrix MetaFrame XPe
Citrix's MetaFrame XPe application server now has better user-rights and delegation systems and can support DB2.
Citrix's MetaFrame XPe application server software supports and controls access to applications. In May, Citrix launched feature release 2 (FR2) of the product, giving administrators more granular control over user access to hardware such as floppy drives and CD-ROMs.
Administrators of server farms can now use IBM's DB2 database as an alternative to the Windows registry, Oracle or SQL Server for system data. They can also offload tasks such as printer management to designated users. The shadowing feature, which lets administrators see users' screens, has been updated so users can shadow each other. Previously staff needed full admin privileges to take on such supporting roles.
FR2 runs only on Windows 2000 server operating systems and requires at least service pack 2 to be installed. The CD contains suitable ICA clients, but Citrix's Web site can be checked for more up-to-date ones.
Upgrading MetaFrame XP for FR2 is not difficult, but requires other software to be in place. Service pack 2 for Windows 2000 servers must be installed and the Windows Installer updated to version 2. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) also has to be set at version 1.3.0, which means upgrading earlier versions or uninstalling later ones. We did not need to apply FR1 to our server before upgrading to FR2.
When updating the Windows Installer, we had problems that were only solved by contacting Microsoft support and editing our server registry.
Installation is complicated by the most onerous licensing systems we have seen. There is a 35-day grace period before the FR2 licence is activated, so administrators can check the performance of their setup and adjust hardware as necessary.
With FR2, administrators have better control over the hardware that users can access. We could deny users access to their floppy drives, CD-ROM drives and even prevent them from copying data to the clipboard. FR2 also allowed us to allocate specified tasks to groups designated as Citrix administrators. Tasks that can be delegated fall under 11 categories, including Printer Management and Farm Management.
We used the Citrix Management Console to delegate Citrix server licensing to a particular user. We could also configure shadowing policies to allow novice users to be shadowed by their colleagues, so reducing the helpdesk's work. Citrix has introduced support for PC/SC smartcards - but not Java-based products - and smartcard-enabled apps such as Outlook are accessible.
Network manager plug-ins are available for NetView, OpenView and Unicenter. Systems administration is carried out through the Citrix native management console or a Web console.
Price: £320 + VAT per connection, with discounts starting at 400 seats.
Contact: Citrix 01753 276 200
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