Top 10 causes of IT disasters - and how to deal with them (Available on-demand)
Top 10 causes of IT disasters - watch now
During this web seminar we will be looking at the sorts of incidents that can bring data centres grinding to a halt and what can be done about them.
Available on-demand: Register and watch this free web seminar
By its very nature, the unexpected is hard to predict. Particularly difficult to plan for are compound events, the domino effect in which one seemingly minor incident leads to cataclysmic chain reaction which brings everything grinding to a halt.
The real job of a disaster recovery strategy is to ensure that whatever the disruptive event, vital data can be recovered and mission-critical applications be brought back online in the shortest possible timeframe.
During this web seminar we will be looking at the sorts of incidents that can bring data centres grinding to a halt and what can be done about them.
Speakers Include:
Stuart Sumner, Deputy Editor, Computing
Andrew Charlesworth, Consulting Editor, Computing
Mark Galpin, Senior Manager, EMC
Nigel Doust, CEO, Blackbay